Project Management services ranging from Scoping and Cocept Design, Faesibility / Preliminary Engineering, and Strategic Planning and Pricing are some of the servies we offer.
Project Management
We are experienced in Project Management according to the Project Management Institute, who publish and practice the PMBoK (Project Management Body of Knowledge). We have also worked with other organizations' Project Management Principles, such as those published by Siemens: PM@Siemens. Details can be found here.
While Project Management does include activities from Conceptual Design and Project Development, we have chosen to break this apart. Refer to our section on Business Plan Development for the early stages of Project Management. This page discusses Project Management from the time of the Final Investment Decision (FIE), and the project actually kicks off. As the Project Manager, it is necessary to ensure that the process is followed, and that the required activities and documents are planned and in place at the necessary time. Where we work as the PM (in the case of Electrical and Instrument / Control scope of work), we ensure that the process is correctly followed and the required documents are in place at the correct time. Where we work as a supplier, we ensure that the process is followed and documents are developed in time. We have worked as both the PM and the supplier, and intimately understand the process. The clients goals are continuously verified throughout the project to ensure there are no gaps in expectations. |
Scoping / Concept DesignOur work would primarily comprise the development of the basic calculations and documents for the electrical / instrument scopes, comprising:
Feasibility / Preliminary Engineering
In the case that the EPCM passes the preliminary selection process, we would look to team up with the EPCM to further develop our proposal, so it may be packaged with the EPCMs proposal, and submitted to the customer. In this phase, we would provide further details on our offer and improve our cost estimates.
At this juncture, it is critical to understand and quantify labour costs, since these play a major role in the projects costs, and unlike equipment costs, can vary considerably. Considerations and analysis include:
At this juncture, it is critical to understand and quantify labour costs, since these play a major role in the projects costs, and unlike equipment costs, can vary considerably. Considerations and analysis include:
- Where will basic and detailed engineering be performed? If performed globally, what are the complications / savings? does it pay off?
- Where will equipment be sourced and what level of testing, by whom?
- Where will equipment be integrated into a module, building or space, and who will perform this integration engineering?
- What are the risks / benefits of outsourcing labour manhours
- How many manhours are estimated at each location, what are the labour costs and regional risks?
- How is the equipment / modules to be shipped to the next work location or site? and is it beneficial when considering the shipping costs?
- What are the completed costs for equipment and manhours according to the strategic plan?
Strategic Planning and Pricing
Strategic planning and pricing, while not project management per se, is important in the early phase of the project, where the EPCM / Supplier is looking to enhance the offering against the competitors. In this case, we would take into consideration the following:
We have developed various strategic plans for clients that provide a clear insight of how the project scope is to be executed. In so doing, we can tailor our offering to best suit all stakeholders. |
In marketing-speak a market differentiator (also called product differentiator) is the identification and description of the differences of your product/service from the other products/services in the same market. |