Mechanical Completion, Hook-Up & Commissioning - Get it done right first time
Every day there are electrical failures of plant, for various reasons. In some cases, the failure could have been avoided; in other cases, it could not be avoided. When a failure occurs, it can result in loss of service, equipment damage or even harm to personnel. On the assumption that the engineering design is correct, we must strive to ensure the installation, hook up and commissioning are also done correctly. In many cases, extensive equipment damage can result if installation and commissioning are done incorrectly. This adds to a greater repair time and longer loss of service.
Basic Roadmap to Commissioning
- Develop a Commissioning Plan including a PERT diagram (sequence plan).
- Develop a Systemization Procedure
- Develop and populate the Mechanical Completions and Commissioning Database with System and Subsystem data and respective Inspection and Test Record (ITR) Identifiers.
- Systemize main electrical drawings, such as one line diagrams
- Develop / review / revise Mechanical Completion Check Sheets and Inspection and Test Records (ITRs)
- Develop System and Subsystem folders according to the systemization principles.
- Host MC and Commissioning meetings to communicate the process to all stakeholders.
- Develop and maintain Punch Lists, comprising A, B and C punch items.
- Assemble Mechanical Completion dossiers and MC Acceptance Certificates
- Assemble Commissioning Completion dossiers and Commissioning Acceptance Certificates
- Manage the Client Sign off of Final Acceptance Certificates.
Mechanical Completion refers to the installation and hookup. These tasks are often done by different groups.
Mechanical Completion
We monitor, verify and support:
We monitor, verify and support: